Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Single Parents

There are a lot of single parents out there. If you are like me, you resent hearing the news and everybody else saying"...They are like that because they come from a single parent home..." Why is that? I know there are some who don't take their parenting duties seriously. A lot of us work very hard to give our children the upbringing they need. That even includes Whoopin' that Ass is we have to. There is a difference between discipline and abuse. Spare the rod, spoil the child; and all that.

Anyway, the ones that give single parents a bad name are the ones I have real issue with. DO YOUR JOB! Stop looking for someone else to bail you out. You laid down and made the children, now stand up and do right by them! Inspire them to be more than you are. Encourage them to pursue their dreams. Help them set goal! Lead by example.

People say you can't teach what you don't know...You don't have to. Just show them the way. Expose them to different things. Don't let them be ashamed of speaking proper English, being polite, working hard for a living and getting good grades in school. Make them earn those PS3, XBox, and Nintendo. Give them consequences when they do something bad. Trust and believe, the police will later in life.

Stop taking advantage of the drug money they bring home. Stop encouraging them to wear those baggy clothes, that bling in their mouth, around their necks and in their ears. Make those kids live within your means. If you can't afford Nike, don't buy them. If they haven't earned Nike's...Don't buy them. In real life, you don't get something for nothing. Everyone won't be a rapper, football or basketball player.

Teach your children the value of respect. If they don't respect you, the damn sure ain't gonna respect anyone else. To be honest, you have to earn their respect. How can your daughters respect you if you bring different men home? How can your son's for that matter. If you don't carry yourself in a respectful way, how will your children learn.

Stop looking for that 40 acres and a mule...Reparations is not happening. Earn your own 40 acres. Does that mean you have to be a college grad for your kids to be?...No! But it does mean you need to encourage them to go further that you have.

We see that we can be anything we want. Hell...we have a Black Man for president, who has won a Noble Peace prize. Stop blaming others for the problems you have created. Instead of problems, make them opportunities for progress and improvement. If you don't learn from your mistakes, you are destined to repeat them, and so are your children.

Let really make that excuse, "they come from a single parent home" exactly what it really is...BULLSHIT!!!