Thursday, August 20, 2009

Truthful Saturday

Have we become so sensitive at work that you can be yourself? At the company I work for, they speak of being honest, but you can't or you risk "hurting" someones feelings, getting written up and then having to deal with the poor attitudes.

People worry more about getting along than they do getting the job done.

Same thing goes for relationships. A friend of mine asked, "Why do people always want the truth, but when they get it, it becomes a problem..." The real answer to that is, people aren't honest with themselves. We make ourselves sick because we hold so much in, so we don't hurt any ones feeling. Then when it blows up, we don't care about the feelings, we intentionally want to hurt.

I think if we said what we felt at the time, we would have blow ups. For one day, try being honest with everyone...especially yourself.

Someone asks you if they look fat, and they do, don't lie to spare the feeling, just say: "Honestly, you do."

Let all have "Truthful Saturday" August 22nd, 2009.

Let me know how it goes.


  1. After reading this post I am reminded of that saying "you want the truth? You can't handle the truth!" or something of that nature. I'll try this on Saturday. Thank goodness I don't have to go work cause if I had to tell the truth every time someone asked me "how are you doing?" in a customer service profession I would have been let go by now. Gurl..

  2. Truthful saturday still has an hour and 40 minutes left of the west coast...and I'm trying my hardest to lay low and say little...and thats the truth
